Apply for a grant hero

Apply for a grant


Our mission – “We secure your future” – doesn’t stop at managing risk in retirement.

For Allianz, it also means helping to secure the future of our community by reducing barriers to economic inclusion. We do this by providing charitable grants to nonprofit organizations that help people achieve financial stability, sustainability, and security throughout their lifetime.

Allianz provides grants in the seven-county Twin Cities metro area. Grants are typically one-year commitments for $50,000.


2025 grant categories

Financial stability

Application due March 2, 2025

We understand that to be included in economic life, people need to meet their basic needs first. Allianz supports organizations that work to meet these needs, with a focus on creating stability and financial independence.

We provide grants to organizations that:

  • Provide food, clothing, and shelter paired with programming that supports individuals and families in increasing their financial stability (for example, food banks and transitional housing programs).
  • Improve access to affordable food.
  • Increase or improve affordable housing.
financial stability grant

Financial sustainability

Application due May 1, 2025

Financial success is sustained through equitable access to resources and opportunities for gainful employment. Allianz supports organizations that help members of the community be successful in the workforce, including through college preparedness, skills training, entrepreneurial support, and access to capital and investment.

We provide grants to organizations that:

  • Help high school students and adults prepare for and access post-secondary education.
  • Provide job and career skills training and placement.
  • Provide access to capital, business development services, and financial empowerment support for entrepreneurs and small businesses.
financial sustainability grant

Financial security

Application due August 1, 2025

Long-term financial security and retirement readiness require preparation and financial knowledge. Allianz supports organizations that help ensure all community members have financial well-being, are protected from fraud and other financial abuses, and know how to prepare for their future.

We provide grants to organizations that:

  • Help youth, adults, and families build financial knowledge, skills, and habits so that they can define their financial goals, develop financial plans, and improve their long-term financial well-being.
  • Support prevention and intervention of elder financial abuse.
financial security grant

Grant priorities and exclusions

Within all three of our focus areas, we give priority to organizations that:

Serve low- to moderate-income families


Are led by and primarily serve people who are racially and/or ethnically diverse


Have a mission rooted in equity


Collaborate with other community organizations


Include some focus on the St. Paul Midway and adjacent communities, such as Frogtown and Rondo


Application process

To submit a grant request, the completed Allianz Corporate Giving Application must be submitted via email by 11:59 p.m. on the deadline. Incomplete applications will not be accepted. An organization may only receive funding in one of the focus areas each year.

Applications are available to download here.

If you have any questions, please send us an email.

Excluded from consideration for financial support are: Organizations that are not tax-exempt under paragraph 501(c)(3) of the IRS code; individuals; religious organizations for denominational or religious purposes; labor, fraternal, athletic, or political organizations; capital funds for buildings and equipment; endowment funds; academic institutions and medical institutions; organizations outside of the Twin Cities metropolitan area; professional business organizations or associations; granting organizations or foundations that re-gift donations to nonprofits (exceptions include federated organizations and in-focus funds within community foundations – e.g., United Way, Community Health Charities, etc.); any organization deemed to present a reputational risk to Allianz; organizations that discriminate based on gender, age, ethnicity, disability, religion, sexual orientation, or cultural background.