
Life sales resource guide

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73% of consumers want the ability to lock in some of their gains when the market is up

Allianz indexed universal life (IUL) insurance has features made for markets like this. With Index Lock, your clients can potentially lock in gains or help limit losses – in any market.

Source: Allianz 2024 Q3 Quarterly Market Perceptions Study

Tools and resources


Life microsite

All the essential tools and resources to help you successfully market our policies.

Contact us

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you have questions or need assistance in any way.

Divisional Vice Presidents

Scott Kellen, RICP®, CLU®
Divisional Vice President
See Scott's Divisional sales team (PDF) 

Nate Lund RICP®, CLU®
Divisional Vice President
See Nate's Divisional sales team (PDF) 

Brett Novielli, RICP®, CLU®
Divisional Vice President
See Brett's Divisional sales team (PDF) 

Kaleisha Thody, MBA, ChFC, CLU®, CRPC®
Divisional Vice President
See Kaleisha's Divisional sales team (PDF) 

Important contacts

Life Case Design Team:
800.950.7372 (option 1, then option 2)

Sales, Marketing, and Business Tools:

Pre-Formal Underwriting:
Quick Quotes: Allianzquickquotes@allianzlife.com
Informals: lifeinsurance@send.allianzlife.com

Processing Documentation:


Where to send checks for new and additional premium:
Allianz Life Insurance Company of North America
Attn: Life New Business
5901 Golden Hills Drive
Minneapolis, MN 55416

1The death benefit is generally income-tax-free when passed on to beneficiaries.

2Policy loans and withdrawals will reduce the available cash value and death benefit and may cause the policy to lapse, or affect guarantees against lapse. Withdrawals in excess of premiums paid will be subject to ordinary income tax. Additional premium payments may be required to keep the policy in force. In the event of a lapse, outstanding policy loans in excess of unrecovered cost basis will be subject to ordinary income tax. If a policy is a modified endowment contract (MEC), policy loans and withdrawals will be taxable as ordinary income to the extent there are earnings in the policy. If any of these features are exercised prior to age 59½ on a MEC, a 10% federal additional tax may be imposed. Tax laws are subject to change and you should consult a tax professional.

IUL requires qualification through health and financial underwriting.

IUL is not a source for guaranteed retirement income. There is no guarantee that a policy will earn sufficient interest to support a loan strategy.

Product and feature availability may vary by state and broker/dealer.

Guarantees are backed by the financial strength and claims-paying ability of Allianz Life Insurance Company of North America.

Products are issued by Allianz Life Insurance Company of North America, PO Box 59060, Minneapolis, MN 55459-0060. (P64339)

This content does not apply in the state of New York.

For field marketing organization use only – not for use with the public.